Sunday, April 17, 2016

News from Behind the Lens!

Hello followers, clients, and do I dare! 
I wanted to make my announcement that I am going to be taking some time off from booking any new sessions now that I am in my 3rd trimester. My goal is to always give my clients and sessions 100% and with my ever growing belly I am not able to meet that goal. I apologize for any inconvenience that this causes and hope that upon my return I can capture your special, happy milestones yet again. :)  A huge thanks to all of you for your support!

Gender Reveal | Paluga Family

I met up with the Paluga family to capture their big surprise! I'd never done a gender reveal shoot before and it was definitely so sweet, exciting, and special to be there while they found out the gender of their little bun in the oven. And since this is my last shoot for a while as I've entered my 3rd trimester with baby E it was extra sentimental for me as well as a little bittersweet. Thank you P family for trusting me in this special moment.

Someone is going to make an excellent big sister! And PS I'm obsessed with this shot!
Eskimo kisses ♥
Oh that laugh! 
And last but not least! It's a.....

Congrats!!! So excited for your newest little girl. 

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